Captain's log, stardate Friday, June 7, 2013

Like my new Layout?

New background, new fonts, new colors. What could be better? Comment your thoughts.


  1. I like the new background!
    I guess I didn't realize that the fonts were new...
    Are the post titles bigger? That's nice. It makes it airy. (Or something like that. lol)

  2. I like it too. The only thing is, it is kind of hard to see the words on the side, since it is blue and white on blue and white. I did like the other font better. It was cooler. Other than that, coolness.

  3. I also love the "Please prove you are not a robot" feature. Hilarious :)

  4. Although, the words you have people type to prove they are not a robot, are not really words at all.
